TRIAGE intro video
During lockdown, the TRIAGE team recorded a short video to give an introduction to the project. Thanks to Ole Bang (DTU) and Laurent Balet (CSEM) for their interviews! Further videos […]
TRIAGE at LOPEC workshop 23-Mar-2022
The ECREAM projects MOLOKO and h-ALO will hold a one-day workshop at LOPEC 2022 on 23-Mar-2022. The morning session will be devoted to the final MOLOKO project results while the […]
TRIAGE newsletter #2 released
The second TRIAGE newsletter has been released, and is available from the project website. It contains information on the following topics: • ECREAM booth at Photonics Europe 2022• Fabrication of […]
ECREAM at Photonics Europe 2022
ECREAM will be a sponsor at SPIE Photonics Europe 03-07 Apr-2022; Strasbourg, France! ECREAM partners TRIAGE, MOLOKO, PHOTONFOOD, AEOLUS and GRACED will share booth #227 at this event! Researchers from these […]
TRIAGE newsletter #1
The first TRIAGE newsletter has been released, which includes items on the establishment of ECREAM, upgrading the FLAIR supercontinuum-based gas sensing system and assessing the limits of detection in TRIAGE.
CSEM virtual company tour (EPIC)
The European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC) performed a virtual company tour at CSEM on 29-Sep-2021. This included a review of FLAIR and TRIAGE which can be seen on the following […]
TRIAGE research position vacancy at LiU
As part of the TRIAGE project, Linkoping University (Department of Thematic Studies – Environmental Change) is advertising for a Postdoc in Environmental Science, focusing on new instrumentation for measurements of […]
Introducing the “European Cluster of Research projects for Environmental and Agri-food Monitoring” (ECREAM)
As part of its dissemination activities, TRIAGE has established the European Cluster of Research projects for Environmental and Agri-food Monitoring (ECREAM): a group of EU projects working in these areas. […]
TRIAGE project presentation
TRIAGE has made available a presentation (30 slides) describing the background and objectives of the project. This will be updated during the course of the project, and serves as a […]
TRIAGE project launches!
TRIAGE held its kick-off meeting on WED 03-Mar-2021, including the first meeting of the TRIAGE-NET. DTU also issued a press release to announce the start of the project. The team […]