TRIAGE has established the European Cluster of Research projects for Environmental and Agri-food Monitoring as part of its dissemination activities. Please see the webpage for more info!
FLying ultrA-broadband single-shot Infra-Red sensor
This Horizon 2020 project, which finished at the end of 2020, was a prelude to TRIAGE and included several of the same partners and technologies. The project developed supercontinuum sources, multipass cell and Fourier transform spectrometers for air quality monitoring, which were designed for aerial deployment. The project concluded with some helicopter flight testing to measure emissions from shipping in the North Sea, as shown in this 1 min summary video (or the full 13 min film).
Skogaryd Research Catchment
Skogaryd Research Catchment, located c. 100 km north of Gothenburg, is part of SITES – Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science infrastructure. SITES offers all researchers, regardless of affiliation, the opportunity to use the resources at nine stations. The foundation of Skogaryd addresses questions on a landscape level regarding greenhouse gas fluxes. The area can be divided into specific environments; mires, clear cuts, drained forests, lakes, streams. It will be used as part of the TRIAGE field studies.
Several important organisations have agreed to participate in the TRIAGE-NET; a group which will be closely involved with the demonstration of TRIAGE on public buildings and on transport networks in the later stages of the project. Please click on the TRIAGE-NET page to find out more.