Repetition rate optimized 2 µm gain-switched diode pumped MIR supercontinuum
C. R. Smith, D. H. Yeh, P. B. Montague, C. R. Petersen, and O. Bang
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 41, 2266-2271 (2024).
Ultra-broadband spectroscopy using a 2–11.5 µm IDFG-based supercontinuum source
Roderik Krebbers, Kees van Kempen, Frans J. M. Harren, Sergey Vasilyev, Ida F. Peterse, Sebastian Lücker, Amir Khodabakhsh and Simona M. Cristescu
Optics Express 32, 14506-04520 (2024).
Measurements of Methane Emissions from a Biofertilizer Storage Tank Using Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imaging and Flux Chambers
M. Gålfalk, S.N. Påledal, J. Yngvesson and D. Bastviken
Environmental Science and Technology 58, 3766-3775 (2024).
Electronic Nose for Improved Environmental Methane Monitoring
Guillem Domènech-Gil, Nguyen Thanh Duc, J. Jacob Wikner, Jens Eriksson, Sören Nilsson Påledal, Donatella Puglisi, and David Bastviken
Environmental Science and Technology 58, 352-361 (2024).
An Artificial Neural Network to Eliminate the Detrimental Spectral Shift on Mid-Infrared Gas Spectroscopy
Sanghoon Chin, Jérôme Van Zaen, Séverine Denis, Enric Muntané, Stephan Schröder, Hans Martin, Laurent Balet and Steve Lecomte
Sensors 23, 8232 (2023).
Mid-IR Supercontinuum Noise Reduction Using a Short Piece of Normal Dispersion Fiber – A General Mechanism
Rasmus Eilkœr Hansen, Callum Robertson Smith, Asbjørn Moltke, Christian Rosenberg Petersen, Sidharthan Raghuraman, Seongwoo Yoo, Ole Bang
Laser & Photonics Reviews 17, 2200776 (2023).
Critical method needs in measuring greenhouse gas fluxes
David Bastviken, Julie Wilk, Nguyen Thanh Duc, Magnus Gålfalk, Martin Karlson, Tina-Simone Neset, Tomasz Opach, Alex Enrich-Prast and Ingrid Sundgren
Environ. Res. Lett. 17, 104009 (2022).
Mid-infrared supercontinuum-based Fourier transform spectroscopy for plasma analysis
R. Krebbers, N. Liu, K. E. Jahromi, M. Nematollahi, O. Bang, G. Woyessa, C. R. Petersen, G. van Rooij, F. J. M. Harren, A. Khodabakhsh & S. M. Cristescu
Sci Rep 12, 9642 (2022).
Ground-based remote sensing of CH4 and N2O fluxes from a wastewater treatment plant and nearby biogas production with discoveries of unexpected sources
Magnus Gålfalk; Sören Nilsson Påledal; Robert Sehlén; David Bastviken
Environmental Research 204, 11197 (2022).
Ultra-broadband infrared gas sensor for pollution detection- the TRIAGE project
Bruce Napier, Ole Bang, Christos Markos, Peter Moselund, Laurent Huot, Frans J.M. Harren, Amir Khodabakhsh, Hans Martin, Floria Ottonello Briano, Laurent Balet, Steve Lecomte, Christian R. Petersen, Niels Israelsen, David Bastviken, Magnus Gålfalk, Łukasz Kubiszyn and Piotr Warzybok
J. Physics-Photonics 3, 31003 (2021).
Fourier transform spectrometer based on high-repetition-rate mid-infrared supercontinuum sources for trace gas detection
M. A. Abbas, K.E. Jahromi, M. Nematollahi, R. Krebbers, N. Liu, G. Woyessa, O. Bang, L. Huot, F.J.M. Harren, and A. Khodabakhsh
Optics Express 29, 22315-22330 (2021).